
Showing posts from October, 2015

Key Features that Make Java More Secure than Other Languages

Key Features that Make Java More Secure than Other Languages 1) No use of pointers 2) Exception handling concept 3) Defined order execution 4) Byte code is another thing that makes Java more secure  5) Tested code re-usability 6) Access Control functionality 7) Protection from security attacks 8) Garbage collection mechanism 9) Type-safe reference casting in JVM Thanks  Pavan

JDBC Connection Pooling

JDBC Connection Pooling 1)JDBC connection pooling is conceptually similar to any other form of object pooling. 2)All in all, JDBC database connections are both expensive to initially create and then maintain over time. Therefore, as we shall see, they are an ideal resource to pool. 3)If your application runs within a J2EE environment and acquires JDBC connections from an appserver defined datasource then your application is probably already using connection pooling. 4)If your application is not J2EE based then you may need to investigate using a standalone connection pool manager. EXAMPLE:- ---------------------------------------- <Resource name="jdbc/ptportaldbTent" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"                maxActive="20" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000"                username="root" password="root" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"           ...

Different Eclipse IDE

Hello, Today I will try to give you awareness about different eclipse  IDE as follows........... Neon Packages Mars Packages Luna Packages Kepler Packages Juno Packages Indigo Packages Helios Packages Galileo Packages Ganymede Packages Europa Packages Thanks  Pavan